New Mount Olive Developement Corporation was established in 2009.
Pastor Bryant's page

Pastor Robert E. Bryant, Sr.

Pastor Bryant is currently serving as the senior pastor of New Mount Olive family Worship Center florence NJ. His 27 year tenure has been a blessing to many and yielded many souls to Christ . As pastor, Pastor Bryant institute a tithing and self loan program verification system for the church it is called(Member to Church Loan). This Method was used to teach and train the membership on how to effectively tithe to God,as well as teach the members to utilize the power of self funding. The program was a success with over 95% of the church paying their tithes. The church has been able to move forward with numerous projects. Being lead by God Pastor Bryant  and the New mount Olive Church family is currenlty making plans to relocate the church to florence NJ. The church was gifted a 1.8 acre of land and is currently making plans to build a coummunity center. Which is to include, the main chapel sanctuary, gymnasium, fitness center, and crisis program. Pastor Bryant is energetic, exuberant, generous, leader, and gentleman. In addition, Pastor Bryant  previously served in many capacities within the body of Christ .In his former organization (The United Holy Church of America) he  served as sub-district musician, sub- district youth president , Northern district and general praise and worship leader. In the year of 2008 Pastor Bryant was elected as the general 2nd assistant superintendent of the bible church school.

Education: Pastor Bryant received his BA in business management from the Thomas Edison State College. He is a graduate of the United States Naval training Academy; He is also a graduate of the New Jersey Entrepreneur Training institute. His biblical education includes; attending the United Christians Institute where he received his graduate and post graduate certificates and is currently earning his BA in theology.

Family: Pastor Bryant is the proud father of three daughters and two sons and one godchild and the godparent of many.

Hobby: Preaching the Word, reading, biking, eating
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